In the year this website is in existence, I made quite some music, but much more is to come…
In March 2006 I started this website. Some things that where very important to me have happened since then:
The first performances and first edition of the Three Dance Capriccios.
Writing and recording of the music for Ellen Blom’s movie The Birdwatcher (clips from that soundtrack will appear on this site soon).
The Brisk party in the Muziekgebouw at the IJ, my birthday present Catch, their recording of part of my Quartet on the cd Vintage Brisk.
Below you see how festively some composers dress up these days (here: in the disguise of a gift of flowers) to offer their work to performers (mind the score that I press tightly to my body). (Some of my other colleagues came in bags and boxes, or dressed up as a butler.)
This was followed immediately by the release of the cd Dutch Composers ‘Di Voce’ Part II that features my The Lamb & The Tyger by Womans Choir ‘Orpheus’ (see picture). The cd was solemnly presented to me at a concert in the beautiful castle of Doorwerth .
But these were only minor disturbances in that great undercurrent: composing ‘Over the Water’, the music for guitar and string quartet commissioned by Tom Kerstens and the International Guitar Festival. More about this later, but this work proved so demanding that I had to postpone for a while that other project, the sonata for cello and piano.
Translating my articles for this website into English proved far to time consuming – music goes way before text…