Violin and piano
Written for the Duo Philippens - Van Nieuwkerk, commissioned by violin paedagogue Coosje Wijzenbeek with Financial support of the Dutch Performing Arts Fund.
- Pavan
- La Volta
- Bransle de Mardiche
The indication ‘Capriccio’ refers to the ‘caprice’ in 18th century art: an imagined re-ordering of the ruins of existing monuments. So too these pieces: a rhythmic rearrangement and re-interpretation of historical dances.
This little suite of dances is at the same time a small sonata, featuring the melody of the anonymous 12th-century pastourelle “Volez vous que je vous chant” (to be heard in various guises in the second movement). A knight questions a pretty young shepherdess about her pedigree. She answers that she is of high birth: descended from the nightingale, that sings in the tree’s high foliage.
2.La Volta
3.Bransle de Mardiche