Super ‘Spiritus’


Clarinet and string quartet


For the Bennewitz Quartet and Harry-Imre Dijkstra.


This is a virtuoso and elated piece over two hymns addressed to the Holy Spirit. The refrain and most of the clarinet part are based on the ‘Veni Creator Spiritus’ in the Protestant version known with Martin Luther’s text ‘Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist’ (that musically is closer to the original 9th century Gregorian chant according to some). The melodies in the strings are derived from the Roman Catholic hymn ‘Veni Sancte Spiritus’. The movement’s effect may well be one of a spirited improvised conversation, where the clarinet freely comments on the more restrained gestures of the string quartet and the whole ensemble sometimes suddenly bursts out into speaking the ‘tongues’ of folk-like dance music.

Super Suite: IV – Super ‘Spiritus’