Sic accensa profatur (Dido’s Complaint)


Song for soprano, accompanied by violin and piano


For prof. dr. Daan den Hengst, commissioned by the University of Amsterdam's Dept. of Classical Studies.
Tekst: Vergil, Aenid IV 362 - 392


Dido’s Complaint is a setting of Vergil, Aeneid IV 362 – 392. It is a sister piece of the Trio for violin, clarinet and piano from 2004, written shortly after. Besides chamber music, I hope to be able to write some more songs. This piece also somewhat furthered my ability to better write for my own instrument, the piano.

In the song the narrator introduces Dido, who is raving about Aenid’s disloyalty. She in turn curses him and deplores herself, announces her suicide and her return as an avenging spirit, and eventually collapses. The narrator winds up decribing how her maids lay exhausted Dido to rest .

The piece was commissioned by the Institue of Classical Studies of the University of Amsterdam. It is performed by Sabine Wuethrich (soprano), Peter Brunt (violin) and Maarten den Hengst (piano).

Sic accensa profatur (Dido’s Complaint)